Wednesday 23 July 2008

Dark Knight tonight

Oooooooooooooooooooooo I am both excited and dreading tonight - I finish work early, grab some food and go straight out with the other half to see Batman :D

I am so excited about this film it is ridiculous..but I am dreading going cuz the cinema we go to is in the middle of nowhere (in Nantgarw), has a bowling alley next to it, and its Orange Wednesday - so all the snotty local kids get in their souped-up pimp-mobiles and make the place look and feel like kicking out time at the roller disco...only with Mad Dog 20/20 involved.

Hate Nantgarw with a passion..but it was the closest place to go on preview night. At least we've got our tickets already printed out.

Now...where's my tazar gun?.....

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Ubu Bubu ROCKS

Yeah I should have done one of these sooner - maybe I'll do some in retrospect....since I fell and hit my head I've turned into a bit of a goldfish (more than normal, honest) so whenever I DO think 'oo I'll post that on my blog', i promptly forget 2 seconds later....

BUT this is so coooooooooool I had to post it up - Jamie Smart who wrote Ubu Bubu (which for the unitiated is a FUCKING AWESOME comic book about a demon living inside a cat - published by Slave Labor Graphics - and contains such FUCKING AWESOME gems as Ubu Bubu spelling out 'Suck My cat Nuts' in his puke) has asked if he can be on our podcast.


Yeah, he might be joking but I'm doing a happy dance anyway. He says:

"once again, missus and missuses, you have made my tiny little fluttering ego heart leap a little in needy joy at hearing your glowing review of my comic brain defunctions. it can be weird realising the idiocy one puts to paper can cause someone else to laugh, i still can’t get me head around it. at least i haven’t caused bum floods from anyone yet, thats a physical response i’m not after.i think i love your podcast. can i be on it? i don’t know anything about comics or anything, but i can do a dance. it’s obscene and people die though.