Friday, 14 March 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Well I'm still editing my first episode of Comic Racks..and I now know what a 'Stacey pause', an an 'Iz sniff', and a *drinking* noise look like in thing I haven't worked out is how to turn my bellowing down when I get excited. Which is quite a lot. Hmm.

Today is pretty cool so far, I have a half day (which is always lush), and I'm sat in my house editing in my Yeti slippers, waiting for the carpet-measuring man to arrive. Rock n roll.

It's a pretty big achievement for me cuz it's taken me and Rich 2 years to get off our arses and buy real carpet for our house to replace the 'temporary' strips that we've had dotted about since we moved in.



Marcus said...

For the record i didnt mind you guys not having carpet! I love coming to the your gaff!

Anonymous said...

He says that coz he woulda felt guilty throwing up on carpet

Marcus said...

uuumm nooo!!