Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamie Smart

I've had a cruddy last few days in terms of bad news and shiz, so last night me and Stace (de la Racks) cheered ourselves right up with a bloody awesome interview with Jamie Smart. The actual recording is a bit rubbish and it sounds like Jamie is mumbling so we'll probably get some shit for it but we had such a fuckin laugh I don't care :D

Genuinely nice, humble bloke who put up with us for over 2 hours while we got way to familiar with him ('Jamie, do you need to tinkle?'), but that just goes to show what a regular sound bloke he is. We had tons of questions from people and asked most of them even though Jamie got way more excited about the question 'what are your top three favourite biscuits?' than any comic-related ones :)

Plus I got to tell him about Tank Girl being re-launched in the latest Judge Dredd Megazine (prompting the comment 'wow, you're better than my mum').........which he was proper excited about - i think - he might have just been being polite.

anyhoo, he is awesome and so are his creations Ubu Bubu, Angry Little Robot, Space Raoul, DFC Olympics, and his work on Desperate Dan is pretty damn peachy too.

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