Monday, 23 February 2009

I'm spreading my interweb wings

Well, kinda.

My forum buddy The Boneman asked me if I fancied contributing to his website - The Sidekickcast site which plays host to his podcast, blog and a load of other top articles etc. So even tho I don't keep up with this one as much as I'd like, I'm going to give it a go :) I might try doing stuff aimed at girls for a while..unless Bones tells me to pack it in...dunno I'll wait and see.

The podcast is well worth a listen to by the way, whether you're an old hand at the comic-book thing or just getting started. The Boneman and assorted co-hosts get really enthused about their comic books, and cover a whole range of stuff from the old classics, to spotlights on one of the 1,000,000 X Men titles, or explanations/reviews of recent big events (I almost understood Final Crisis after listening to #11)

Go check em out :)

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